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Watch this video, it could change your life forever!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

USANA products

My wife and I have been taking the USANA products for about one year now. It has made such a big change in our lives, that we could not imagine living without them. Our health, stamina and way of life has change for the better, thanks to USANA products.

You too can have the same benefits from such wonderful products. Visit our website, or give us a call, we can help.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

News from USANA headquarters

As USANA continues to expand throughout the world and experience record growth it is exciting to see our ever-increasing number of new Million Dollar Club Members! We realize this is an important milestone for each of you, so we are constantly looking for the best ways to recognize all who reach this admirable goal.

What started out with a simple pin and a walk across the stage at convention has evolved into a special recognition opportunity for those willing to work diligently to accomplish this step. In some cases, Associates have become Million Dollar Club members in just a matter of a few years! So as we continue to grow, we wanted to share with each of you exactly what you have to look forward to and the opportunity for special treatment by going the extra mile.

Every Million Dollar Club Member will receive the following:

· The exclusive Million Dollar Club pin
· A special e-mail news release
· Your name and picture on USANA today’s elite Million Dollar Club page
· Your photo as a new inductee in the Health & Freedom Newspaper

Million Dollar Club Members who attend our International or Asia Pacific Convention will also receive the following:

· Custom, blue Million Dollar Club blazer(s) presented at convention
· Million Dollar Club photo used in Health & Freedom Newspaper/Publications

Finally, Associates who become Million Dollar Club Members within their first 10 years and have a solid RUBY business or higher will receive a special invitation to the USANA Home Office for a Special Business Retreat!

As our guests we will fly you and your spouse (or co-applicant) to Salt Lake City, Utah, where you will join other Million Dollar Club Inductees from around the world! You’ll stay at one of Utah’s finest hotels in scenic downtown Salt Lake City, and enjoy special treatment as you tour the entire operations, strategize your business plan with USANA executives, and even enjoy some fun activities.

In honor of your visit, a 10ft x 14ft banner with your photo will be displayed for the entire city to see! As you uncover your own Granite Star on the Million Dollar Walk of Fame and raise your country’s flag, it will be a day to remember! You’ll even receive your very own official USANA lab coat as you enjoy your day at USANA. Your experience will be recorded and made available for you to share with prospects, team, and family.

What are you waiting for? Get out there and keep that business moving forward. It may be small today, but over time you’ll see why many others already have added their name to this elite and growing club.

WOW! We are there....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Congratulations to Chris and Tarah Harl, newest Gold directors

As I know that the Harl's are celebrating this victory, this blog was written to not only celebrate with them, but to also share with as many people as we can, that you too can have the freedom that they enjoy, even during this difficult times.

Here is a wonderful story writ en by my mentor and friend Brian Bohlke.

"Just a few short years ago, I ran back into Chris. We had gone to high school together, but had completely lost touch through our college years and the few short years after.
Now for those of you that know Chris, and if you don’t, you can reference his picture…he stands about 6’5”, was a personal trainer so he is not small, has the personality of a full room, a smile that reaches to 1980 and the heart of Gold.
This guy had personality, big time! He loved life. As we walked past each other that night, we both stopped and immediately knew each other again, as if we just graduated high school. We very quickly exchanged professions and goals…it was awesome, he very shortly made it clear to me that he had the best job during the day and loved waiting tables at night…he also seemed rather proud that he was almost done working on his masters at night! Needless to say, he was busy doing what he had always been told to do and like I now know Chris, he wasn’t just doing it, he was trying to be the best at it! This is when I looked at him and told him that I found the ultimate company, working from home, making great money and loving life…AND I was expanding my OWN business into other countries! We exchanged numbers quickly and he will tell you that over the next few hours with his buddies, all he could talk about was how he was about to have his own international business in other countries and didn’t even know what he was doing yet!
I called Chris the next day and we met over his 35 minute lunch break…how crazy right. Chris was a work horse for all these people and not only that, but his mentality was to be the best, so his employers I am sure loved him…so much that they gave him 35 minutes for lunch!
He enrolled on the spot! He saw a way out.
Over the next few months, we worked hard together. It was just as much a training lesson for me as it was for him…I had not had someone want to go so fast before! His schedule was so limited. But Chris saw the opportunity immediately and was not going waste one more day working for someone else.
He was so teachable. I remember telling him to read Think and Grow Rich. With no free time, he had to buy the audio for his car…but he also bought the 5 audios on the shelf next to Think and Grow Rich, and was done with all of them inside a week…it’s amazing what people can do when the EXCUSE of TIME doesn’t matter because their WHY is big enough! I remember him asking me questions about these other audios and what I thought of them…it is amazing what you will do when you haven’t done what your new associates have done!
He married Tarah shortly thereafter. Tarah had no idea what she was getting into and she will tell you that! Tarah didn’t realize what USANA was or the opportunity that she had hers hands on. But, she definitely faced the adversity from her friends… “Your future husband doesn’t even have a job!” “What are you doing, Tarah?!”
Tarah believed in Chris…she had too. He believed in USANA. What a lesson.
After attending an International Convention and multiple events thereafter, Tarah caught fire and has been working alongside of Chris is their pursuance of accomplishing GOLD!
Needless to say, Chris and Tarah have done everything right. They never questioned us, their up line leaders or just as importantly, their cross line leaders. They pay attention, volunteer and help out! They are major volunteers here in San Antonio and have been for some time.
They understand TEAM.
In closing, I want every one of you to make sure you understand this part of the story. Just over a year ago, when Chris and Tarah tied the knot, one of the best rewards I have ever experienced in the business happened. Chris pulled me aside one day at his house with Tarah there and proceeded to ask me to be his ‘best man’ in his wedding. Explaining that there is no one else that has played such an important role in their lives and how could it be anyone else.
Just thinking about it again is incredible. The fact that a business like “this” could create such trust, such loyalty and such lifetime…friends.
Chris and Tarah, we love you guys and are so proud of you and we know that the associates involved with STi have been waiting for you to accept your life and achieve what has been waiting for you!
New Gold Directors and my best friend.
Chris and Tarah Harl."

So, there you have it. A friendship for life, and all thanks to a wonderful opportunity that each of them took. One day, you can have a happy ending like this one. May God bless the Harl's and each and every one of our readers.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What does USANA means to me

Although my wife and I are successful business owners, we have been so blessed to be able to share USANA with many family members, friends and even strangers. As we look back on the journey taken to success, we can help to mention that because of God, we have been given this opportunity to share.

From the time that we started taken the essentials, we began to notice a change in our bodies and in our lives. It had been three years since we were diagnosed that we could not have any more children. Next thing we know, we started taken essentials and one month later, we were pregnant. Thank God for USANA.

My wife and I were overweight and we had been doing every possible diet, colonic, and methods available to us, but none of them worked. Our cardiac surgeon friend introduced us to USANA and we started to do the Reset. Within the five days, I had lost over 12 pounds and my wife lost 6 dress sizes.

We had talked to many of our Friends about the benefits of owing your own home business, but many of them were not interested because they had nine to five jobs. However, because of this economy, some of them had been laid off, and so they have contacted us again because they see what a difference residual income can be in your bodies.

So you see, USANA means true health and true freedom for me, my family and my friends. We would like each and every reader to be part of this journey with USANA. There has never been a better time than now to try USANA.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Service to our community

Dear USANA associates,

Here at Karolynas, we like to know that we are not only tanking care of our families, but that we are also taking care of the community. As a service to the community in general, we have places some of the links that we think that are going to help the community. If you have any other links, please contact us.

The Baez Law Firm, P.C. - You always need good legal representation

Cheap Texas Divorce- For those who cannot afford attorneys but need a divorce

Residual Income- Ways to make extra money

Community Bible Church- Awesome Church in San Antonio

Feed Burner- To keep you informed of what is going on with USANA

These are some of the links that we believe can help the community with some of the areas of life that they may be having difficulties. If you have a link, please contact us.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

USANA sponsored boxer

Today, USANA-sponsored boxer Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley battles Kendall Holt, the current WBO champion, in a hotly contested WBC 140-pound fight in Montreal.

Exciting news for USANA-sponsored boxer Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley! After winning the May 10 WBC Junior Welterweight World Championship against heavily favored competitor Junior Witter, the talented boxer is ready to do it all over again.

In a recent interview with, the talented boxer credits USANA supplements in addition to a vegan diet for his increased energy, three percent body fat, faster metabolism, and overall “cleansed, lighter and healthier” feeling about his body.

We are extremely blessed to have the same opportunity to have these wonderful supplements that have helped many individuals change their lives. You have the same opportunity to enjoy the benefits of USANA products or USANA business.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The USANA Stimulus Plan

You can imagine how happy we were that USANA has launched its own stimulus plan to help millions of people throughout the world. We live in a difficult time. Layoffs, bankruptcies, foreclosures. More and more people are unsure of where to turn, whom to trust, and what to do.

Thankfully, USANA is here to help. Just in the nick of time we’re introducing The USANA Stimulus Plan. It’s not a gimmick, and it’s not a game. It’s the solution that will give you the help you need when you need it most: now!

Don’t wait for government bailouts or federal funds—invest in yourself. After all, you are the best financial planner for making your money, and your business, grow. And with USANA’s help, these immediate actions you can take today will give you long-term gains.

But how can you take advantage of this stimulus plan? Well, you must be a special person, willing to learn, willing to help others and willing to succeed even during this tough economic times. If you are one of the millions of people that can benefit from this stimulus plan, then you are in the right place.

Watch this video..

So, what are you waiting for? Get your stimulus today!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Subject: Article by a Multi-Millionaire who used to be broke

This is a true story...

"Not so long ago I was making $400 a week. I was drowning in debt. I was stressed.
I was TERRIFIED to go to the mailbox every morning and see how high my bills were.
The last months, I simply piled them up in a closet, without even opening them,
because I knew I just couldn't pay them anyway.

My hair was not only turning gray, I was losing it. Couldn't sleep.
I felt some kind of ball inside my stomach, making it hard to breath.

I would surf all night long searching for a way to make money on the internet.
Anything, just anything would do!


... Weeks later, I was filthy rich.
... You just can't imagine how easy it has been to become a Multi-Millionaire in 16 weeks
on the Internet. Here's how I did it...."

Read the article:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Health Care reform from the top

As I watch the Presidential News Conference, I continue to hear President's Obama plan to reform the health care system. This is one of the four pillars of his plan of reform. He mentioned the investment on preventive medicine and reforming the way of doing business.

Although I did not vote for him, I did prayed for him and asked God to give our President the wisdom to deal with this tough economy and with our country. To this day, I think that God has done just that.

The way our President puts it, the future for people in America is going to involve taking care of their bodies and preventing diseases and illnesses. He calls it physical responsibility. This reminds me of the reason why Dr. Myron Wentz created USANA.

One of the biggest contributors to our crumbling economy has been the increased cost on the health care system. However, there is hope for the near future. USANA has brought forth an innovative way to improve our health and at the same time, creating positive income to families all across the globe.

I see in the near future some kind of tax relief for been pro-active with prevention rather than procrastinate when it comes to our bodies. Since people are dying from degenerative diseases, if we can overcome the degenerative process we are been preventive, just as the President has asked.

Now is the best time to be part of USANA. If you would like more information about any aspect of our company, please click here. If you want to start consuming USANA PRODUCTS or been your own boss click here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Why do we read this book?

If you have been with USANA for a while, you would have learned about the 10 steps needed to succeed. We have accomplished all of them, and although we are successful, as Christians, we would have to argue against step number 10, which is read Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Hill's works examined the power of personal beliefs, and the role they play in personal success. "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is one of Hill's hallmark expressions. Although in the surface, the book and the concepts appear innocent, the underline message and beliefs are far from those principles instilled in us Christians from the Word of God.

I urge USANA leadership to take a closer look at the book, and to perhaps analyze other books that would not encourage so much personal role playing for success, but to give credit were credit is deserved. If anyone ask us, we have read several books that we could recommend to replace this witchcraft book from our reading list.

If you area USANA associate, and think that is time to change the reading of this book, please contact us here.

Watch this online presentation about our company.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

USANA news

The Alamo won’t be the only thing you remember after joining USANA in Texas for the San Antonio Celebration. There’s still time to get the early bird price so you don’t miss out on the business-building knowledge and networking opportunities, April 23-25. Fiesta 2009 is also going on at the same time as the Celebration and the city’s hotels are almost sold out. USANA has held a block of rooms at the Homewood Suites that is close to the convention center. Rooms are available at this location starting April 3.

Due to the incredibly high volume of Associates registering for convention last week, we have extended the early bird registration price until this Friday, March 20. So don’t wait! Save $130 off the on-site price when you register by Friday!
Get hotel information for the Salt Lake City area during the 2009 International Convention. Remember to rank advance by Friday, July 17, 2009 to receive an award or recognition at convention.

Jun Mizutani, the new General Manager of USANA Japan, shares a great message to the North America market. Jun explains why you should take a second look at growing in Japan.

If you are ready for an international business, USANA is for you. If you do not want to be part of the business, but want to take advantage of USANA products, then click here. My wife and I have supplemented our income from our law firm with residual income, you too can do it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Leadership principles that can grow your business

As I was reflecting on the blessings that God had placed in my life, I remember that as a leader, I have great responsibilities. One of them is to teach others about what I have learned.

This blog is based on the biblical principles of leadership as denoted in Acts 6:1-7 in the book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth, BIBLE.

To be a leader, you will have:

F: FACTION- Always you will have problems or Issues with the people you lead.

A: ACTION- Find the solution or the application to the problems.

T: TRACTION- Get back in tract and empower others to do the job.

As my wife and I get ready for the arival of our miracle baby, we have realized that our USANA business will grow as big and as fast as God wants it to grow. We can plan it but if its not God's will, it won't happend.

We believe in the USANA products, and that is why we want to share them with as many people as we can; however, to be partners with us, we must find people with the same common goal, and with the same principles and ideas that will bless our team immensively.

So, this would be the begining of our new approach to our bussiness, always keeping God first, family second, and business next. May God bless you, and may God bless the USANA family.

Humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life. Proverbs 22:4

Friday, March 13, 2009

Less waste with more efficient packaging

This letter from the USANA Headquarters:

Dear Associates and Customers,

We at USANA are committed to reducing our impact on the environment by using recycled materials, reducing and recycling our waste, and promoting energy efficiency in the design and operation of our facilities.

One way in which we can greatly minimize our impact on the environment is by reducing the amount of packaging we use for shipping and switching to recycled materials whenever possible. As a result, in the coming months, you may start to see some changes to the USANA packages shipped to your home.

First, we soon will be switching all of our shipping boxes from the white boxes we currently use to brown boxes made of recycled material. We also will be eliminating unnecessary packaging, such as multiple boxes within a bigger shipper box. And in certain instances with small orders, we may switch to padded envelopes. We may also test different types of filler materials within our packages.

Quality is our top priority, and every change that is made will continue to ensure the integrity of your products. As always, if there are any issues with your order when it arrives, please call Customer Service at 1-888-950-9595. And, if you have any feedback about the new shipping materials, please e-mail us at

Thank you for your support in making USANA a more environmentally friendly company.


USANA Health Sciences, Inc.

The aforementioned letter is one of the multiple reasons, that my wife and I are so proud to be part of this magnificent company. You too should be.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

USANA products work

My father just called my yesterday, which is a first one for him, to tell me how happy he is that I introduced him to USANA products. So I asked him, dad, what are you talking about? He responded "son, you know I have been a diabetic for years now and I was always shaking, now I shake no more except I take USANA shakes."

My mother has lost over 30lbs using USANA products and now she cannot stop telling people about it. She told me that she looks good in a bathing suit now.

My wife's father has been taken USANA and now has controlled his diabetes, high blood pressure and weight. He feels young again, and is able to do things that he has not been able to do.

My wife had lost over 25 lbs and 6 sizes before we got pregnant with our miracle child, or should I say USANA child. I lost 12 lbs on my week that I did my reset.

We are not making any product claims, these are just some of the amazing examples that regular people are experiencing based on these wonderful products.

If you want to see for your self, please click here or contact us.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

USANA, say what?

Are you looking for a way to take control of your life?
Are you able to take time off work whenever you want?
Are you trading hours for dollars - on an industry average salary where you must please your boss to get a promotion?
Can you see yourself in a position of your 5 to 10-year senior colleagues and is it where you want to be?
Would you be satisfied and would your family be proud of you?

How much income would it take to make a difference in your life?

Do you have the will to make it happen with a support of a team of high achievers with quality products and an outstanding company?

This opportunity is USANA.

The best-selling author, Robert Allen, has stated in NY Times:

"the perfect home-based business. It's not real estate, but it's just as powerful. It takes little time or risk. It's so simple, anyone can do it.
You could be earning an extra stream of residual income this year."

Hear a brief presentation from Robert Allen.

USANA has distinguished credentials and products to be proud of.

The number one Distributor’s Choice for 7th year, Network Marketing Today, MLM Inside.

The number one in Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements in US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

USANA has been featured in issues of Success From Home magazine.

Tax strategist, Sandy Botkin, explains why working harder and taking on extra jobs won't provide the cash flow and freedom you need free article

USANA made Forbes’ list of top 200 companies for the 3rd year in a row!

Heath and wellness industry is estimated to be worth One Trillion Dollars by 2010.

Friday, February 27, 2009

And the Media says....

As I was reading the news, one article cut my attention and this is what they have to say.

In order to survive this recession, you need to...


If you can't pay cash for an item, you probably can't afford it.

Do you need something? Consider going to a second hand store to purchase some new clothes, handbags or shoes. Look at for deals.


If you are paying interest and not collecting interest, you are helping someone else.

***Consider this - your credit card debt may be $5,000 at 18.9% interest.
If you pay $100 monthly it will take you 37 years and 4 months to pay off your credit cards. You will pay $14,435.34 in interest.****

Americans have on average $9,200 in debt.


*** Other than buying a house within your means.***

If you're charging groceries, consider going to a food bank, or clipping coupons.

If you're charging gas, consider a carpool or public transportation.

If you're charging vacations, consider staying closer at home during the tough times.


Gas is unpredictable.
Banks are failing.
Expect more lay-offs as businesses look to cut corners.
Real estate market and mortgage lenders are facing tough times.
Stocks are dropping.

We'll bounce back (or so they hope), but times are just a little tough right now.


My wife and I have been involved with a wonderful company called USANA. for the past few months. We have learned about our health, our finances and our time. We enjoy time leveraged income that we could not have enjoyed before.

If you are ready to take control of your financial future, contact us.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to make residual income

Many people come to our website and ask, how does it work, how do you create residual income. We are going to take some time to explain how it works, and more importantly, how it can work for you.

Imagine that you were the creator of Walmart. At first, you came up with the idea, you prepared the business plan you hired the board of directors and the people to run Walmart. Initially, you had to recruit and train the people that was going to make you successful. Today, Walmart is the biggest corporation in the world and it runs pretty smoothly. That is how it works...

Now, we will teach you the same concept to create residual income based on the efforts of others in your organization (your walmart). We get our residual income from a home business, which gives us the time and freedom to do what we want, and you can do the same.

If you can work five to ten hours part time and make as much money as you make in your full time job, then I got your interest. The key is simple, you need people, like you, that want to have more time, health and money to do what they want. Ok, ok, how does it work? If you are going to build your Walmart, you need your board of directors.

These are the people that you are going to initially spend some time training, and teaching them how to run your walmart. The concept is the same. Get five people that you are going to train so that they can get each five more to do the same. Before you know it, there are over 780 people in your organization. The key is this, each person, including yourself is going to be required to pay $100 a month to keep the store open, this is your overhead.

Now, let's do some numbers. Each person paying $100 a month times 760 people that is $76000.00 a month. The secret is this, you have to balance how you place your people in your organization. And that is something that we can teach you later.

If you think that you have what it takes to learn to be financially free, then contact us via this website. You will be glad you did.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


You’re tired of the cold, the snow, and the dry air of winter. Well, you aren’t alone. So is your skin. The winter weather wreaks havoc on your skin, drying and dulling it. That’s why you need the Sensé™ Dry Skin Survival Set—a limited-time product combination with special savings. Beat the winter-skin blues by whisking away dead flakes with Rice Bran Polisher and wrapping your skin in the Nutritious Créme Masque—a deeply hydrating treatment containing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hard economic times?

As I am watching the evening news with my wife, we heard that now banks are going to be nationalized by the government. It appears that major banks such as Bank of America, and City Group are not so safe as people thought they were.

"This administration continues to strongly believe that a privately held banking system is the correct way to go, ensuring that they are regulated sufficiently by this government," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said when asked about nationalizing the banks.

In a week in which massive layoffs have taken place in some of America's biggest industries, three smaller signs of economic downturn: California's tax refunds are on hold, the Post Office is thinking of reducing delivery of mail by a day, and Starbucks is cutting back on decaf.

The economy has challenged many sectors except one that I am very familiar with. I am talking about a home business that, not only is recession proof, but it is fun to have. Click here to learn more about it, or visit our website

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Do you have any of these symptoms?

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling tired? Feeling like you could use another hour of sleep?

Do you ever feel like taking a nap around two or three o'clock in the afternoon?

Have you ever come home from work slumped into the recliner in front of the television, grabbed the remote control and hoped that somebody would bring you food
before you fall asleep?

Do you get easily tired, frustrated, and fatigued? Are you under a lot of stress and simply have a lack of energy to get you through the day?

Do you have aches and pains in your body like so many people do nowadays?

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Do you suffer from a serious health problem you have been unable to resolve even with proper medical care?

If you answer yes to one, two or all of the questions above, then USANA is right for you.

To maintain health, we need a diversity of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. Although we receive many of these nutrients from our diets, it's impractical and virtually impossible to obtain an optimal dose through diet alone.

USANA understands the importance of providing the right ingredients - in the correct amounts, in the right balance, and in the correct forms - for all age groups. For this reason, USANA has created Essentials to provide the most well-rounded supplementation possible - a must for everyone interested in true health.

To check products, click here.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Questions and Answers

This Q&A format was created as many people have the same questions, and the answers are the same, whether from our CEO or the newest associate that just signed up with USANA. If your question is not posted, please contact us so that we can answer it.

Do I Have To Deliver The Products?
Thank God the answer is No. The company handles all the shipping, delivering, and billing.

Is It Profitable – How Much Money Can I Make?
This business can be very profitable. The earnings are unlimited. You could make more in a month than you currently do in a year and once you reach your desired income you can literally put your business in autopilot and simply keep earning thousands a week while only working a few hours a month.

Is The Profit Residual?
This is a very important question. Many people who think they own a business really own a JOB that requires them to be stuck working at the business 50+ hours per week. A great business like USANA will allow you to realistically walk away after a few years and still make great money. People LOVE the USANA products, and order them month after month. It is consumable products that create long term residual income.

Does The Business Create Leverage?
The leverage and mathematics of this business are tremendous. It allows you to be paid on the efforts and consumption of thousands of other people – without the hassles and expense of having employees.

What Is The Downside?
There is virtually no risk. The start up cost is minimal, and everything has a 100% money back guarantee - even the enrolment packages. It is a business you could simply walk away from if you wanted – with NO personal liability, debt, inventory, leases, employees, equipment, etc.

What Is The Upside Potential?
The benefits are working from the comfort of your home and setting your own hours, with no boss, no employees, no pesky clients, and no office politics. The potential is truly enormous, including complete financial freedom and the ability to never have to work again once your business grows large enough. We are talking about living life completely on your own terms and doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, for as long as you want – with no financial stress or worries. And that is not just hype; it is reality for many people in this business.

How Does The Compensation Plan Work?
USANA pays you commissions each week based on product volume that flows through your organization. The plan is a Binary type, and is not like old style “Multi-Level” companies because we are not paid based on nor limited to levels. It creates a teamwork and synergy unlike any other plan.

Do I Have To Pressure Or “Sell” People?
Definitely not. This isn't about trying to force things on your friends and family! We have a no-pressure system for sifting and sorting that gets interested prospects to raise their hands and identify themselves. If someone is not interested, fine. We do not convince or pressure anyone. The fact is that there are millions of people who are desperately seeking what we have to offer. Think about it – how many people want to make money and be healthy?

Do I have To Purchase A Large Quantity Myself?
Absolutely not. To stay active as an Associate you simply make a small monthly purchase of USANA products. And USANA does not have any group sales volume requirements. This is NOT about people filling their garages and basements with products!

What Do I Have To Do To Succeed?
Take action. Follow the SYSTEM and introduce people to the USANA products and business. It is very simple.

Can I Really Do It?
All you need to be successful is basic people skills, and a deep desire to improve your life. We have a simple system for success that you can duplicate. Could you direct people to the same information you are reviewing right now, and then let the system and your business partners answer any detailed questions your prospects have? Of course you could!

Is There Solid Support And Training?
Totally. You’ll be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. You get a comprehensive Business Development System, plus personalized training, coaching and mentoring. You see, we succeed by helping you succeed. This is the ultimate win-win business. There are a variety of proven business building tools in numerous languages. You do not need to “re-invent the wheel”. Simply plug into our system for success!

Will I Get Rich Quickly?
No... and yes. Hopefully you are wise enough to know that there is no such thing as a get rich overnight program. If that is what you are looking for, try the lottery.
Like any legitimate business, this does take time and effort. You can start earning very nice weekly paychecks quickly, but creating a large, walk away residual income and true freedom takes time. Some have done it faster, but for most it takes 2 - 4 years. So compared to working at a JOB for 20 or 30 years (and still probably ending up broke), it IS get rich quick!

Can I Start Part-Time?
Absolutely. In fact, most people do start part-time, and many then go full time once the profits are large enough. Many have become successful with a focused effort of just 5-7 hours per week.

Is It A Business Where I Can Expand My Skills, Learn, And Grow?
That is what this business is all about. It is the best leadership development and personal growth business you can find.

Are There Powerful Tax Advantages?
There are tremendous potential tax advantages with a home based USANA business. Tax experts say that the average person can legitimately save $3,000 - $9,000 per year or more in taxes with a business like this!

Is It Fun?
That is one of the best things about this business. You get to meet and work with success-minded, ambitious, fun loving people. And as you may know, you tend to become like the people you associate with! There are also many tax deductible travel opportunities... we have exciting conferences, conventions, training events, cruises, and more.

How Do I Get Started?
You activate your business by simply purchasing some of the excellent USANA products for yourself to use and become familiar with. There are several options for joining our team, starting at just a couple hundred dollars. And everything has an unconditional money-back guarantee.

Can Someone Simply Buy The Products, Without Joining The Business?
Yes. If someone already has plenty of money and is happy with their lifestyle, but is interested in being healthier, you can enroll them as a Preferred Customer. There is no cost to become a Preferred Customer, no minimum order, and they can get the products at below wholesale price directly from the company. Of course there is always a 100% money back guarantee for customers also.

In fact, if the timing is not right for you to start a USANA business, YOU should become a Preferred Customer. The timing is always right for good health, and these products can dramatically improve your health - as they have for hundreds of thousands around the world!

What If I Am Perfectly Happy With My Life As It Is?
If you are not concerned about being healthy, and have no desire for more money AND lots of free time for your family, friends, and hobbies, then this is not for you. Thanks anyway and have a great day...

OK, You've Got My Interest. Now What?
If you are SERIOUS about creating residual income and having a future of true health and freedom for yourself, complete the following brief interview and someone will contact you to help you answer any questions you may have. You have no obligation to anything to have someone call you, but it could change you life.

If we did not answer your question, please contact us.

Friday, February 13, 2009

What my wife is to me, not only this valentines.

I have had the privileged of knowing my wife for almost 10 years. Like any marriage, we have had our ups and down. Specially, when I have tried to exercised my opinion over hers (and believe me, I love to express my opinion). For many years, I wanted to make it special for her on Valentine's day not knowing that as a husband, I needed to make it special every day.

If you are like I was, buying your spouse flowers, make up or other things will make it OK for a while, if that is you, then clicking here will temporarily solve your problems. Buy her a set of Sense beauty products. But if you are not, then keep on reading. Don't get me wrong, USANA has been a blessing in my life and my wife's life. I would not be able to share what I am sharing with men today, had God not placed USANA in my life; but I am talking to the men, who wrongfully believe that wives want to feel special on Valentine's day only.

In our family, my wife is the neck that moves the head. When my wife is upset, my children are upset, and consequently, I will be upset. Many men believe that they are the head of the household; however, they do not give place to the pivoting point that turns that head. I am truly convinced that to understand this concept, you have to have God in your life. The stereotypical "macho" approach taken by many men is wrong, has been wrong, and will be wrong (woman, do as I say, because I say so).

I was told once "happy wife is a happy life," and how true that is. My wife has been able to give me the "Respect" that I wanted because I have given her the "Love" that she deserved, not only on valentine's day, but every day. We call this Love and Respect. It is best illustrated in the new movie Fire Proof Marriage.

When a man and a woman say I do, they need to mean it. In sicknesses and health, for richer or for poor, for better or for worse, till death due us part. What does that mean? If you are like I was, it meant (woman, don't nag at me, respect me, give me sex when I want, and leave me alone). Boy was I wrong! Now, it means that even when I don't feel that I can love my wife, because love is an active thing, I love her. There is nothing in this world that is going to change that. No matter what people may say, what my wife may say, what she may do, I LOVE HER, PERIOD. Just like God loves me.

Although I don't think that my wife is going to read this blog, in my heart I know that she knows that I love her, so I wrote it not for her, (although it would be nice if she reads it) but for the many couples out there that are wondering whether true love exists. In my life, my love for my wife became true when: I got closer to God, and my wife did the same. Now, we are closer than ever before, and I love it.

My wife and I share our business, our dreams and more importantly, our God. It has taken time, effort and most importantly, God to fix my marriage. So, my hope and prayer is that you too find true happiness with the soul mate that God has placed in your path, or the one that He has in store for you!

My wife is my friend, lover, companion and more importantly, my partner in life, the person that God placed in my life to go through with and enjoy it. Flowers need different things to survive and bloom and like any flower, your wife needs water, light and good soil to survive as well. This year, make a commitment that you will love your wife, not only one day out of the year, but every day of your life.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Peanut butter products are safe

Dear USANA Associates and Customers,

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced concerns regarding salmonella contamination of peanut butter and peanut butter products. Be assured that these warnings do not apply to USANA’s Peanut Butter Crunch Nutrition Bar.

USANA does not source its peanut butter ingredients from the supplier that the FDA has identified as a source of salmonella contamination. In addition, USANA conducts microbiological tests on each finished batch of Peanut Butter Crunch bars as well as on the raw ingredients that go into the product. The tests we conduct include specific assays for salmonella, as well as for other common microbiological contaminants.

We will continue to keep abreast of this situation. But importantly, USANA Associates and customers can be confident that their USANA products have been thoroughly tested and are salmonella-free. Please know that safety and quality are USANA's top priorities, which is why you can always count on receiving Nutritionals You Can Trust.

USANA News!!!

The winter weather wreaks havoc on your skin, drying and dulling it. That’s why you need Sensé Dry Skin Survival Set—a limited-time product combination sold at a special price. Beat the winter-skin blues by whisking away dead flakes with Rice Bran Polisher and wrapping your skin in the Nutritious Créme Masque—a deeply hydrating treatment containing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Chocoholic. Health Nut. You can be both with USANA’s Chocolate Whey Nutrimeal and Chocolate Fusion Nutrition Bar (formally the Nutreo bar), which are back—for good! Log on to your shopping cart to order.

Relax with top USANA leaders who can help you boost your business with educational training and tips. But above all, don’t miss the boat—once you see the Mediterranean, you may never want to come back.

Don’t miss your opportunity to pick the grand-prize-winning design in the Rev3 Energy™ T-shirt contest. Voting ends at midnight on February 28, so don’t miss a chance to cast your ballot.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

There is a better way!!!

A friend of mine once said, many people spend most of their time trying to make money, only to neglect their health in the process.So later, they then have to spend most of their money trying to regain their health they lost while spending most of their time trying to make the money! There is a better way!

My wife and I learned how to gain more money while improving our health all while gaining more time than we have ever had, and helping others do the same. We now take the vacations that we want, and do the things that we want to do and have the health to enjoy it all.

Regular people, just like you and me are enjoying time, money and health all over the world, even in this tough economy. You can have them two, all you have to do is join the right team and be teachable.

If this sounds like you, contact us via our website

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why the USANA Essentials?

USANA Essentials are advanced daily nutritional supplements that supply optimal nutrition for every age group. Mega Antioxidant, a balanced, high-potency blend of 30vitamins, antioxidants, and other important nutrients to support cellular metabolism* and to counteract free-radical damage. Chelated Mineral, a complete spectrum of essential minerals, in balanced, highly bioavailable forms.

To help meet the "essential" nutrient needs of children and teens during the years of development, when good nutrition is most important, USANA offers:

Usanimals, a great-tasting formulation of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, in an easy-to-take chewable tablet. For children 13 months to 12 years old.
BodyRox, a nutritional supplement containing 31 essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and cofactors for adolescents 12 to 18 years old, who need optimal nutrition to support the demands of growth and active teenage lifestyles.

Ready to start taking your essentials, click here to purchase them.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Since we have joined USANA, we have been so blessed that, we cannot stop sharing the blessings with others. Ever since we have been with USANA, we are expecting a new child, we have new friends, and we have better health.

We are told, by the Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) that we are to share the good news with others. Therefore, we are going to give away bibles to people that request them form us. To get yours, you can either request one by clicking here and request one, or you can visit one of our websites and drop us a line.

Our lives changed when we gave them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Ever since, we have been introduced to USANA, it has changed our lives. We consider USANA a blessing that we are going to share with as many people as possible.

This is a great day to be alive! God is pouring out his favor like no other time in history. Right now, it is raining increase. It's raining new ideas. It’s raining promotion. Don't let it pass you by. Start declaring it for yourself, "I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am favored. I am healthy. I am free." Ask for rain in this time of rain, and you’ll see His blessing and provision in every area of your life!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Have you customized yours?

Have you customized your own MyHealthPak™ dietary supplement pack yet? If you haven’t, you don’t know what you’re missing! Other supplement packs don’t give you a choice—they offer the same thing to everyone.

Why would you buy or take something your body doesn’t need? At USANA, we know that no two people are exactly alike. That’s why USANA gives you the chance to design your own supplement packs.

With MyHealthPak, you can choose which supplements your body needs from a huge selection of USANA® Essentials and Optimizers and create a supplement pack as unique as you are. When you see your name printed on each individual packet, you’ll know you’re taking an assortment of supplements designed especially for you.

Many people accross the nation have taken the opportunity that USANA offers them with their own customized nutritional supplements, just for them. You too can do the same, you owe it to your self.

Friday, January 30, 2009

God wants you to be open to new things....

Monday, January 26, 2009 was a day to remember in the US. Over seventy eight thousand (78,000) people got laid off from their jobs! WOW! If you are one of them, this message is for you.

A famous pastor once said, if we are going to be all that God created us to be, we have to be open to change. Just because something worked five years ago doesn´t mean it´s still going to work today. We can´t get so set in our ways that we won´t try anything new. Many people today have lost their enthusiasm, or there´s no freshness in their life because every time an opportunity comes for change, for promotion, for increase, they shrink back because they´re not used to it. They don´t realize that´s what´s keeping them from going to the next level.

Do not let the same mentality that you have had keep you from the blessings that God has in store for you. One thing about successful people is that they know how to change with the times. They don´t get stuck in a rut doing the same thing, the same way, year after year. They´re constantly evaluating where they are and what they´re doing. They make adjustments so they can improve.

This year, decide to make that adjustment in your life. Decide to be what God wants you to be. If you are His child, he wants you to be prosperous. You are reading this blog not as coincidence, but as a way for you to know that God listens to you and has send you the help that you may need.

If you are interested about the rest of what is in store for you, please contact us, it will be the blessing that God wants you to have and share with others....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Be healthy and prosperous

USANA means true health. And as you enjoy true health, you also enjoy prosperity once you take this opportunity seriously. But, like anything else, if you don't dedicate some time to nurture it, it won't grow. USANA is not a get rich quick scheme, its a way out of the normal routine for many people living pay check to pay check.

The bible tell us in 3 John 2 that God wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health. You can take that promise and say, "God, You said You want me to be healthy. You said You want me to be prosperous. So I say of the Lord, ´You are my Healer. You are my Provider. You are my Vindicator. You are my Victory."

Remember, when you start "saying of the Lord", your faith-filled words open the door for Him to move on your behalf. Before long, you´ll see His mighty works, and you´ll move forward into the life of victory He has in store for you!

So, what are you waiting for? Take control of your life and join USANA. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

USANA American Idol

David Osmond, a long-time USANA International Convention performer and product user will be featured on tonight’s episode of American Idol.

David will appear on the popular reality show as he competes for a trip to Hollywood, and we want you to watch! Check out David’s performance at some of USANA’s past conventions here.

Just by clicking on the above YouTube link and watching American Idol tonight, you have an opportunity to support David in his musical endeavors while also supporting USANA!

If you are ready to become an USANA associate, please click here.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Want to loose some weight and keep it off?

After years of continually abusing their bodies through sedentary habits and eating an improper diet of high-glycemic foods that spike their blood glucose levels, many people find it becomes harder and harder for them to lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight. A poor lifestyle can cause your body to over-stimulate the release of insulin--the body's storage hormone. In essence, if you keep overeating sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates, you will be more likely to gain weight.

It isn't necessary to starve yourself to lose weight. In fact, consistently eating less than 1,000 calories a day may actually slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. You do, however, need to make smarter choices about what you eat. When you eat high-glycemic foods it can cause your body's blood glucose levels to quickly spike and then crash, leading to feelings of hunger sooner and seemingly uncontrollable cravings.

A better choice is to eat low-glycemic foods which keep blood glucose levels more stable, helping to reduce carbohydrate cravings, leave you feeling satisfied longer, and control your appetite more easily. All of USANA's Macro-Optimizers are clinically tested and guaranteed to be low glycemic, and nearly 95 percent of RESET participants report significantly reduced carbohydrate cravings after completing the five days.

RESET is a commonsense approach to nutrition that includes low-glycemic carbohydrates packed with soluble and insoluble fiber, low-fat sources of protein, and beneficial fats. And by eating small, low-calorie meals frequently throughout the day, you will create a caloric deficit without going hungry, making it easier for you to lose weight.

If you want to find out more information about RESET, please use this contact form.

Try RESET, I did and I lost 22 lbs. My wife tried it and she went from size 12 to size six in one month. You will be glad you did!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

WOW, what a year for USANA!!!!

USANA set a sales record in 2008 — an eye-popping $429 million!

Added to that, we completed our seventh straight year of consecutive sales growth and our sixth consecutive year of record sales. USANA also posted a record $111 million in sales for the fourth quarter of 2008. In this economy, that’s saying something.

Would you believe there’s even more exciting news? We ended the year with more active Associates (198,000) and customers (269,000) than we’ve ever had. And in the Philippines (our 14th market we opened this week) USANA recorded the highest number of pre-enrollments for a new market opening.

It’s this kind of stuff that makes me realize what a special group of people I work with — in the field and in the office. You can’t get these results — especially in this economy — without hardworking, dedicated Associates and employees who truly care about USANA.

WOW, what are you waiting for....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We are part of history

Yesterday marked a new day in history both for Americans and for USANA. On January 20, 2009 Americans saw the first African American be sworn in a our president. On the other hand, USANA opened officially for business in the Philippines.

Although for many individuals there is no comparison between the two, for USANA associates the feeling of accomplishment is amazing.

On their blog, USANA posted the following "in Manila, Executive Vice President of Asia Pacific, Bill Duncan, proudly opened the doors on our newest facility marking the opening day of this market and the interest in USANA has been amazing. Thousands of people enrolling to take charge of their health and take advantage of a home based business opportunity. We are all very excited over this expansion opportunity and looking forward to meeting new leaders as they grow in this beautiful country."

As we move forward on new directions, both as Americans and as USANA associates, we should always remember the day that our country and our business expanded to new horizons.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Half of January is over, have you accomplished any of your resolutions yet?

As I take the day off to spend time with our girls, I find myself reflecting on the goals I set out to do this year. I have started doing most of my new years resolutions, and I am finding it hard to follow some resolutions. Thank God that I am not that easily distracted or loose focus, but this may not be the case for everyone(especially if you are not built to be self motivated).

For example, I have decided that I am going to write a book this year to help married couples understand the complexity of being married and still identifying themselves and their needs. But as I write this blog, I have become aware that, I don't even have a title for my book! It's probably a good idea that I start thinking about that...

Many people go through life doing the same thing, making resolutions and then failing to follow through with them. What are we to do? I propose that we start with the smallest of your resolutions and work your way up the list. This way you'll have a sense of accomplishment which in turn, allows you to develop a positive attitude and helps increase your motivation.

I have used this principle described in this blog with our USANA business, and it has worked. By accomplishing small goals, we have been able to move to bigger ones. USANA has allowed my wife and I to really focus on what is important, to help others live healthier better lives.

Our newest website teaches people to develop financial freedom by ways of Residual Income. We implemented this goal last year, and it has become a reality. You can learn these principles that have allowed the wealthy to live lives FREE from FINANCIAL BURDENS, and enjoy FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

As you read this blog, its no coincidence that perhaps you have not accomplished your resolutions yet. Do not get discouraged, because if you do, then you will not even attempt to start on your goals; however, if you start today, you will be one step closer to your goal by next month. Before you know it, you'll accomplish what you've set out to do this year.

To prove my point, I have decided that the book is going to be titled “And You Shall Leave Your Mom And Dad! See, from the time that I started writing this blog, about 2 hours ago, until now, I went from not having a title to making a national proclamation about the title of my book. I hope that this blog encourages you to implement and accomplish all of your goals this year.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What a week for USANA!!!

It started early in the week when Dr. Wentz learned that the University of Utah marching band, which had been invited to perform at next week's Presidential Inauguration, hadn't yet reached its fund-raising goal. Dr. Wentz and USANA stepped in to assure this group of talented musicians would take part in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We helped them reach their goal and sent them to Washington D.C. with backpacks filled with USANA products to keep them energized during their trip.

On the product side, we're excited that USANA's CoQuinone® 30 received approval by " is a well-respected organization focused on providing consumers with objective and accurate reviews of the nutritional products available in today's marketplace," said USANA Executive Vice President of Research & Development Tim Wood. "Their approval of CoQuinone® 30 validates USANA's dedication to quality, and underscores our commitment to providing Nutritionals You Can Trust."

USANA also received the Editor's Choice award in the latest edition of the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Plus, two flagship USANA products were awarded the guide's highest 5-Star Gold Medal rating. The guide is designed to help consumers make informed, scientifically based decisions about nutritional supplements.

USANA made its way onto reality television this week via the Los Angeles-based Beat Freaks dance crew. Rino Razalan, a USANA Ruby Director, and the all-female crew wowed judges during the Season 3 premiere of America's Best Dance Crew. The show airs on MTV on Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Check it out and be sure to vote.

And J.B. Ahfua, a 16-year-old Taylorsville resident who performed at the USANA 2008 International Convention, impressed American Idol judges on Tuesday to earn a golden ticket to Hollywood. Awesome job.

Our own chief executive officer, Dave Wentz, added another accolade to his already-sparkling resumé by being named one of America’s Powerful CEOs 40 and Under on

Finally, Rev3 hit the streets of Salt Lake City as part of the 9th annual X-Dance Action Sports Film Festival. The popular energy drink was a sponsor of "Been There Done That," an extreme wakeboarding short film that opened the festival. It helped kick off our "Where Do You See Rev3" campaign.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Do you hold your wallet out of the water?

One of the things that I have learn from USANA is to take control of my finances. Although I have been a christian for a while now, this principle is new to me. God send USANA to my life, to show me the most fundamental principle of all, surrender all to God, including my finances. The more I surrender to God, the more HE blesses me with more.

When the crusades were being fought during the 12th century, the crusaders employed mercenaries to fight on their behalf. Because it was a religious war, they were required to be baptized. As they were baptized, they held their swords out of the water to symbolize the one thing in their life that Jesus Christ did not control was their swords. They had the freedom to use their swords any way they wished.

Many Christians today hold their wallets, their checkbooks, and their credit cards out of the water the same way! We want God to control everything in our life, but we want full control of our finances. The Bible states "To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance, But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away." Matthew 25:29-30

I encourage you to surrender to God your finances and see what happens. On the other hand, if you are reading this and do not have control of your finances, you are here for a reason. Please, visit our website to learn more on how to make your money grow.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

USANA distributors also need spiritual Rev3

USANA created Rev3 in order to make a better, stronger smarter energy drink. This has been a revolution in the industry and people love it. Rev3 gives you the natural energy that you need and does not give you the crash sensation that other energy drinks give you, so, as I drank my Rev3 this morning, I started to think about my spiritual life. How can I have the same effects on my spirit as Rev3 has on my body?

I have been blessed that God placed USANA in my path. I have received many blessings, including a new baby on the way, new friends, and the ability to help others with their lives, finances and spiritual lives. As such, I think that we need to reflect on the following which is a message from a servant of the Lord:

The bible tell us in Deuteronomy 8:18 "and you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth…" God wants to do something great in and through you. He has promises and blessings in store for you that you haven’t even thought of yet. The Scripture tells us that He gives us power to gain wealth. Wealth is simply having abundance.

One of the benefits of USANA is the ability to get Residual Income. But with that ability, also comes responsibility.

God wants you to live in abundance so that He can use you to be a blessing to others. When we are willing and obedient to Him, we open the door to His promises. In other words, when we live in excellence and integrity, when we follow the Word of God, we will walk in His blessing. Like a tree planted by the water, your leaf will not wither because you are connected to an unlimited supply line.

Dr. Wentz vision is that the USANA family will be the healthiest family on earth, and he tell us to share his vision. You see, Dr. Wentz has taken his spiritual Rev3, and you shall too.

Remember this, God gives us the ability, He gives us creative ideas and inventions, but we have to be diligent and do our part and step out and use what He’s given us. We have to sow seed in order to see the harvest that He has promised. Receive His power today and choose a life of integrity so that you can move forward into the abundant life He has prepared for you.

Share this wonderful blessing with as many people as you can today! Get spiritual Rev3 in your life, and God will over flow you with abundance and wealth.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

USANA does it again!

USANA received the 2009 Editor’s Choice Award in the latest edition of the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Two flagship USANA products also received the guide’s highest 5-Star Gold Medal rating.

The 2009 Editor’s Choice Award consider such factors as evidence of a leadership role within the scientific community and the supplement industry, substantiation of charitable sponsorship both at home and abroad, verification of the company as a community role model, confirmation of responsible environmental stewardship, and demonstrable proof of sound business practices.

“It is an honor to be recognized with the NutriSearch Editor’s Choice Award," said CEO Dave Wentz. “USANA is committed to improving the quality of people’s lives in a variety of ways, from developing high-quality products to protecting our environment to giving back to the community. We are pleased to once again receive the Comparative Guide’s top rating for our nutritional products.”

Monday, January 12, 2009

What is a franchise? Can I own one?

According to the experts, the success of a franchise system is based upon 2 intangible principals: Consistency and Goodwill. This is true regardless of the product or service. By consistency, I mean that the customer can expect to have the same experience in every unit. A Big Mac is a Big Mac wherever you may be. The second element, goodwill refers to the fact that once the sign goes up above the door, customers will automatically be drawn to your store just by virtue of the fact that they’ve recognized the name and that they know what to expect from the customer experience. These elements must be present in any system you evaluate.

How do you know what's there? Pretend that you are a mystery shopper, visit several locations. Do they look the same? Is the staff trained in the same way? Did you have basically the same experience at them all? Keep in mind that there will be variations among different outlets to reflect the personalities of the individual the trade market area.

The Franchisor is a team of people who create, implement and manage the system for the benefit of the whole. When you buy a franchise you will be given extensive training in that field of expertise. You are expected to follow the rules. Remember, that’s why you bought a franchise in the first place. What you are buying is the system, tried and tested tools, and a less risky way to go in to business. The franchisor’s job is to give you the tools and yours is to use them. Inevitably, franchisees forget this and figure out a way to “do it better, cheaper…whatever”. It’s on that day that your results will suffer.

Many, many, great ideas have come from franchisees, and franchisors want to hear all of them, but there is a procedure for it. Franchisees cannot unilaterally implement changes at the store level. Most consumers don’t understand franchising, so if they have a bad experience at one unit, it reflects poorly on the entire system. The upside of franchising however is huge, the franchisor provides the name and goodwill, the research and development, continuing support and marketing, and that allows you to do what you need to do most, run your business. That’s the formula for franchising success.

To succeed, you have to team up with a reputable, well established company that has consistency and goodwill. USANA provides individuals with both elements at an affordable price. For example, to own a McDonalds franchise you will have to come up with $1,000,000.00 plus inventory for approximately $1,500,000.00 to start the business. WOW! On the other hand, to own your own USANA franchise your initial investment varies from $250 to $1,250. What a difference. Conversely, the potential income that you can obtain with USANA is superior.

If you are interested in finding out about USANA, please contact me or email me at or so that we can talk about this wonderful opportunity.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Three Reasons Why Diets Fail

It’s little wonder that we ask ourselves,
“Why can’t I lose weight? What am I doing
wrong?” But it’s not we who fall short; it’s
our diets.

Problem #1
A Quick Fix. Dieters often drastically restrict
their calories or food choices now but return to
their old habits once they reach their goal.
Solution: Permanent lifestyle changes are
needed to achieve sustained weight loss.

Problem #2
Fad Diets = Unbalanced Nutrition. Too
often, diets focus on specific types of foods
or nutrients and disregard the importance
of everything else, leading to unbalanced
Solution: For optimal nutrition, our bodies need
a balanced variety of nutrients, including the
right types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Problem #3
The High-Glycemic Trap. Eating high-glycemic
foods can sabotage even the best of diet plans
because the resulting spike and subsequent drop
in blood sugar leads to a more rapid return to
feelings of hunger.
Solution: A better approach focuses on
low-glycemic carbohydrates, which help to
moderate blood glucose levels, leaving you
feeling full and satisfied longer.

If you have been struggling with your weight, its time to take control now. USANA offers a program to start you off right. The Reset program was created for people like you and me who are sick and tired of been sick and tired of diets. USANA can help you take control of your weight.

If you want to look at the whole line of products from USANA, click here. If you are interested in becoming an associate, click here.

To contact me, use this contact form or email me at

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Low glycemic meals to reduce obesity

In a recent study, metabolic effects of meals with varying glycemic index (GI) were evaluated. In a group of healthy volunteers, glucose, insulin and leptin responses to two contrasting breakfast cereals were measured. Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that indicates the degree of hunger to the hypothalamus of the brain. Lower leptin levels trigger a sense of satiety and decreased hunger.

Meals were provided on two separate occasions in random order after a 12-hour overnight fast, and consisted of 50 g of available carbohydrate from either Corn Flakes (Kellogg's), or Fiber One (General Mills). Blood samples were obtained at rest, and 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after eating. The GI was calculated from the glucose response to the test meal normalized against a 50 g oral glucose load.

The average GI for Corn Flakes was 125 and 49 for Fiber One. These meals were classified as high GI and low GI, respectively, and were significantly different from each other. The insulin response following the low glycemic meal was significantly reduced compared to the high glycemic meal. The high glycemic meal significantly suppressed circulating leptin levels compared to the low glycemic meal.

Lower insulin response and higher circulating leptin levels suggest that low glycemic meals promote a post-meal environment that is favorable for reduced food consumption; this may be advantageous in the control of obesity and related disorders, including insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

USANA provides low glycemic nutrimeals that not only are good for you, they are also delicious.

If you are ready to order USANA products, click here.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A business with small overhead

As an attorney, when I was presented the opportunity to have my own law firm, I grabbed it an ran with it. Little that I knew, the expenses that came with owning your own business. From employee salaries, to office supplies, the overhead grew larger every month. Our overhead has reached to $20,000 a month.

Many of my colleagues do not own their own law office, simply because they cannot afford the overhead. In this economy, many business are being closed, simply because expenses are far greater than profits. I used to teach this principles at Devry University graduate level, and many of my students were amazed.

Robert Kyosaki teaches us in his readings that there are four types of people. Employees, small business, large companies, and investors. He place them on what he calls the cash flow quadrant and he simply states that if you are one of the first two, you are not making any significant amount of money. You need to be on the last two, in order to be considered a person with real assets.

To be a large company you have to either own your own franchise, which can cost you thousands or even millions of dollars, so if you don't have that kind of money, you might as well forget it or create a company and hope that it grows. In this economy, highly unlikely.

Now, what can regular people do if they cannot afford owning a franchise or forming a company? Luckily there is a solution for each and every one of us that are seriously interested in making significant amounts of money.

When I first heard about it, I was blown away. USANA is a way for you to own your own business with a small overhead. All it would take is a small investment of $250 to start and an overhead of $100 a month, WOW! Although there are other packages, many people can afford the basic business model that USANA offers.

Although I still practice law, soon I will leave it for my residual income. My wife owns her own business with USANA, and we have never been happier. We enjoy time with family, health and financial freedom that we never had before.

You too can have this. All it takes is a small investment, some training and the willingness to learn to make money. If you have all of the above, please contact us or if you are ready to start on your financial freedom, enroll here.

Watch this online presentation about USANA, and if you have any question, please contact us.

If you would like to know what products are right for you, please click here.

Write us an email at or to tell us about your business experience.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Estate Planning, do you have one?

If you are like me, I want to keep as many of my assets as possible where they belong, with me and not taxed. In other words, the less I pay Uncle Sam, the more I keep. Until now, it was taught that only wealthy people needed to have Estate Planning. But with this economy, that is no longer true. Every one needs to protect their assets.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employs attorneys, accountants, and many others to insure that each and every one of us pay Uncle Sam what he deserves. Why is it then that, most of us, do not have the same. Perhaps because of price. So now I ask you, if you could save more assets, and put them in a place protected from excessive taxation, would you not want to do that?

Our law firm provides Estate Planning for individuals of all social backgrounds. We will prepare a suitable Estate Plan just for your needs, and we will help you with ways to protect your assets.

One of the ways for you to benefit will be to find a way for you to earn residual income. We can tell you were to invest your money, and how to make it grow. Robert Kiyosaki best explains it in its book Rich Dad Poor Dad. We have found a way for regular people to have income that will continue to grow, even when sleeping! Visit our site about residual income.

As Mr. Kiyosaki explains it, each and every one of us need to change from the employee and small business mentality to a big corporation and investors mentality. To accomplish that, you need to partner with a company that has proven results in helping people achieve their financial dreams.

If you are a USANA associate, we recommend that you have an Estate Plan in place, since your residual income will be taxed if not protected. As a bonus, if you are a Diamond Director and above, we will give you a 25% discount on your Estate Planning if done with our law firm. If you are an Emerald Director and below, we will give you a 50% discount on your Estate Planning.

If you enroll as one of our team members, we will do your Estate Planning absolutely free. Please contact us, so that we can tell you how to begin with USANA.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Take control of your finances

Now that a new year is here, its time that we take control of our own finances. Many people are enjoying residual income from the efforts of others. You too can start making money while you sleep!

We teach people like yourselves to secure a future non dependent of our economy, our government or our jobs. When you work and trade hours for dollars, there are not enough hours in the day to make a significant amount of income. This is the way that most people get paid. Rich people know that, if they were going to get paid by the amount of hours they work, they would not be rich. They use the principles of time leverage income and residual income to earn money from multiple sources.

Contact us, so that you can learn how to make your money grow by the efforts of others. Karolynas is an independent USANA distributor that really understand the importance of team effort in obtaining success for everyone in the Team. Take control of your finances now!

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dietary fiber from whole grains protects against cancer of the small intestine

According to the experts, many large studies have found that people with higher intakes of dietary fiber and whole grains have a lower risk of colorectal cancer. However, until now there has been very little information on dietary and other risk factors for cancer of the small intestine. New research shows that people with the highest intakes of dietary fiber have a lower risk for cancer of the small intestine.

In a new study published in the journal Gastroenterology, researchers conducted a large population study to determine the relationship between intake of dietary fiber and the incidence of small intestinal cancer. Dietary information was gathered from 293,703 men and 198,618 women who participated in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study.

After eight years of follow-up it was determined that dietary fiber intake was associated with a lower risk of small intestinal cancer. The group with the highest intake of fiber from grains had a 49% lower risk of small intestine cancer compared to the group with the lowest intake. Likewise, the group that consumed the most whole-grain foods had a 41% lower incidence of the disease compared to the group eating the least whole-grain foods.

Since similar dietary factors and results have been seen in studies involving cancer of the large intestine, it is likely that grain fiber and whole grain foods may protect against lower gastrointestinal cancers.

USANA nutrimeals offer the fiber needed for healthy intestines. If you are interested in staring to take USANA procudcts, please click here.