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Thursday, April 9, 2009

News from USANA headquarters

As USANA continues to expand throughout the world and experience record growth it is exciting to see our ever-increasing number of new Million Dollar Club Members! We realize this is an important milestone for each of you, so we are constantly looking for the best ways to recognize all who reach this admirable goal.

What started out with a simple pin and a walk across the stage at convention has evolved into a special recognition opportunity for those willing to work diligently to accomplish this step. In some cases, Associates have become Million Dollar Club members in just a matter of a few years! So as we continue to grow, we wanted to share with each of you exactly what you have to look forward to and the opportunity for special treatment by going the extra mile.

Every Million Dollar Club Member will receive the following:

· The exclusive Million Dollar Club pin
· A special e-mail news release
· Your name and picture on USANA today’s elite Million Dollar Club page
· Your photo as a new inductee in the Health & Freedom Newspaper

Million Dollar Club Members who attend our International or Asia Pacific Convention will also receive the following:

· Custom, blue Million Dollar Club blazer(s) presented at convention
· Million Dollar Club photo used in Health & Freedom Newspaper/Publications

Finally, Associates who become Million Dollar Club Members within their first 10 years and have a solid RUBY business or higher will receive a special invitation to the USANA Home Office for a Special Business Retreat!

As our guests we will fly you and your spouse (or co-applicant) to Salt Lake City, Utah, where you will join other Million Dollar Club Inductees from around the world! You’ll stay at one of Utah’s finest hotels in scenic downtown Salt Lake City, and enjoy special treatment as you tour the entire operations, strategize your business plan with USANA executives, and even enjoy some fun activities.

In honor of your visit, a 10ft x 14ft banner with your photo will be displayed for the entire city to see! As you uncover your own Granite Star on the Million Dollar Walk of Fame and raise your country’s flag, it will be a day to remember! You’ll even receive your very own official USANA lab coat as you enjoy your day at USANA. Your experience will be recorded and made available for you to share with prospects, team, and family.

What are you waiting for? Get out there and keep that business moving forward. It may be small today, but over time you’ll see why many others already have added their name to this elite and growing club.

WOW! We are there....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Congratulations to Chris and Tarah Harl, newest Gold directors

As I know that the Harl's are celebrating this victory, this blog was written to not only celebrate with them, but to also share with as many people as we can, that you too can have the freedom that they enjoy, even during this difficult times.

Here is a wonderful story writ en by my mentor and friend Brian Bohlke.

"Just a few short years ago, I ran back into Chris. We had gone to high school together, but had completely lost touch through our college years and the few short years after.
Now for those of you that know Chris, and if you don’t, you can reference his picture…he stands about 6’5”, was a personal trainer so he is not small, has the personality of a full room, a smile that reaches to 1980 and the heart of Gold.
This guy had personality, big time! He loved life. As we walked past each other that night, we both stopped and immediately knew each other again, as if we just graduated high school. We very quickly exchanged professions and goals…it was awesome, he very shortly made it clear to me that he had the best job during the day and loved waiting tables at night…he also seemed rather proud that he was almost done working on his masters at night! Needless to say, he was busy doing what he had always been told to do and like I now know Chris, he wasn’t just doing it, he was trying to be the best at it! This is when I looked at him and told him that I found the ultimate company, working from home, making great money and loving life…AND I was expanding my OWN business into other countries! We exchanged numbers quickly and he will tell you that over the next few hours with his buddies, all he could talk about was how he was about to have his own international business in other countries and didn’t even know what he was doing yet!
I called Chris the next day and we met over his 35 minute lunch break…how crazy right. Chris was a work horse for all these people and not only that, but his mentality was to be the best, so his employers I am sure loved him…so much that they gave him 35 minutes for lunch!
He enrolled on the spot! He saw a way out.
Over the next few months, we worked hard together. It was just as much a training lesson for me as it was for him…I had not had someone want to go so fast before! His schedule was so limited. But Chris saw the opportunity immediately and was not going waste one more day working for someone else.
He was so teachable. I remember telling him to read Think and Grow Rich. With no free time, he had to buy the audio for his car…but he also bought the 5 audios on the shelf next to Think and Grow Rich, and was done with all of them inside a week…it’s amazing what people can do when the EXCUSE of TIME doesn’t matter because their WHY is big enough! I remember him asking me questions about these other audios and what I thought of them…it is amazing what you will do when you haven’t done what your new associates have done!
He married Tarah shortly thereafter. Tarah had no idea what she was getting into and she will tell you that! Tarah didn’t realize what USANA was or the opportunity that she had hers hands on. But, she definitely faced the adversity from her friends… “Your future husband doesn’t even have a job!” “What are you doing, Tarah?!”
Tarah believed in Chris…she had too. He believed in USANA. What a lesson.
After attending an International Convention and multiple events thereafter, Tarah caught fire and has been working alongside of Chris is their pursuance of accomplishing GOLD!
Needless to say, Chris and Tarah have done everything right. They never questioned us, their up line leaders or just as importantly, their cross line leaders. They pay attention, volunteer and help out! They are major volunteers here in San Antonio and have been for some time.
They understand TEAM.
In closing, I want every one of you to make sure you understand this part of the story. Just over a year ago, when Chris and Tarah tied the knot, one of the best rewards I have ever experienced in the business happened. Chris pulled me aside one day at his house with Tarah there and proceeded to ask me to be his ‘best man’ in his wedding. Explaining that there is no one else that has played such an important role in their lives and how could it be anyone else.
Just thinking about it again is incredible. The fact that a business like “this” could create such trust, such loyalty and such lifetime…friends.
Chris and Tarah, we love you guys and are so proud of you and we know that the associates involved with STi have been waiting for you to accept your life and achieve what has been waiting for you!
New Gold Directors and my best friend.
Chris and Tarah Harl."

So, there you have it. A friendship for life, and all thanks to a wonderful opportunity that each of them took. One day, you can have a happy ending like this one. May God bless the Harl's and each and every one of our readers.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What does USANA means to me

Although my wife and I are successful business owners, we have been so blessed to be able to share USANA with many family members, friends and even strangers. As we look back on the journey taken to success, we can help to mention that because of God, we have been given this opportunity to share.

From the time that we started taken the essentials, we began to notice a change in our bodies and in our lives. It had been three years since we were diagnosed that we could not have any more children. Next thing we know, we started taken essentials and one month later, we were pregnant. Thank God for USANA.

My wife and I were overweight and we had been doing every possible diet, colonic, and methods available to us, but none of them worked. Our cardiac surgeon friend introduced us to USANA and we started to do the Reset. Within the five days, I had lost over 12 pounds and my wife lost 6 dress sizes.

We had talked to many of our Friends about the benefits of owing your own home business, but many of them were not interested because they had nine to five jobs. However, because of this economy, some of them had been laid off, and so they have contacted us again because they see what a difference residual income can be in your bodies.

So you see, USANA means true health and true freedom for me, my family and my friends. We would like each and every reader to be part of this journey with USANA. There has never been a better time than now to try USANA.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Service to our community

Dear USANA associates,

Here at Karolynas, we like to know that we are not only tanking care of our families, but that we are also taking care of the community. As a service to the community in general, we have places some of the links that we think that are going to help the community. If you have any other links, please contact us.

The Baez Law Firm, P.C. - You always need good legal representation

Cheap Texas Divorce- For those who cannot afford attorneys but need a divorce

Residual Income- Ways to make extra money

Community Bible Church- Awesome Church in San Antonio

Feed Burner- To keep you informed of what is going on with USANA

These are some of the links that we believe can help the community with some of the areas of life that they may be having difficulties. If you have a link, please contact us.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

USANA sponsored boxer

Today, USANA-sponsored boxer Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley battles Kendall Holt, the current WBO champion, in a hotly contested WBC 140-pound fight in Montreal.

Exciting news for USANA-sponsored boxer Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley! After winning the May 10 WBC Junior Welterweight World Championship against heavily favored competitor Junior Witter, the talented boxer is ready to do it all over again.

In a recent interview with, the talented boxer credits USANA supplements in addition to a vegan diet for his increased energy, three percent body fat, faster metabolism, and overall “cleansed, lighter and healthier” feeling about his body.

We are extremely blessed to have the same opportunity to have these wonderful supplements that have helped many individuals change their lives. You have the same opportunity to enjoy the benefits of USANA products or USANA business.