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Monday, February 16, 2009

Questions and Answers

This Q&A format was created as many people have the same questions, and the answers are the same, whether from our CEO or the newest associate that just signed up with USANA. If your question is not posted, please contact us so that we can answer it.

Do I Have To Deliver The Products?
Thank God the answer is No. The company handles all the shipping, delivering, and billing.

Is It Profitable – How Much Money Can I Make?
This business can be very profitable. The earnings are unlimited. You could make more in a month than you currently do in a year and once you reach your desired income you can literally put your business in autopilot and simply keep earning thousands a week while only working a few hours a month.

Is The Profit Residual?
This is a very important question. Many people who think they own a business really own a JOB that requires them to be stuck working at the business 50+ hours per week. A great business like USANA will allow you to realistically walk away after a few years and still make great money. People LOVE the USANA products, and order them month after month. It is consumable products that create long term residual income.

Does The Business Create Leverage?
The leverage and mathematics of this business are tremendous. It allows you to be paid on the efforts and consumption of thousands of other people – without the hassles and expense of having employees.

What Is The Downside?
There is virtually no risk. The start up cost is minimal, and everything has a 100% money back guarantee - even the enrolment packages. It is a business you could simply walk away from if you wanted – with NO personal liability, debt, inventory, leases, employees, equipment, etc.

What Is The Upside Potential?
The benefits are working from the comfort of your home and setting your own hours, with no boss, no employees, no pesky clients, and no office politics. The potential is truly enormous, including complete financial freedom and the ability to never have to work again once your business grows large enough. We are talking about living life completely on your own terms and doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, for as long as you want – with no financial stress or worries. And that is not just hype; it is reality for many people in this business.

How Does The Compensation Plan Work?
USANA pays you commissions each week based on product volume that flows through your organization. The plan is a Binary type, and is not like old style “Multi-Level” companies because we are not paid based on nor limited to levels. It creates a teamwork and synergy unlike any other plan.

Do I Have To Pressure Or “Sell” People?
Definitely not. This isn't about trying to force things on your friends and family! We have a no-pressure system for sifting and sorting that gets interested prospects to raise their hands and identify themselves. If someone is not interested, fine. We do not convince or pressure anyone. The fact is that there are millions of people who are desperately seeking what we have to offer. Think about it – how many people want to make money and be healthy?

Do I have To Purchase A Large Quantity Myself?
Absolutely not. To stay active as an Associate you simply make a small monthly purchase of USANA products. And USANA does not have any group sales volume requirements. This is NOT about people filling their garages and basements with products!

What Do I Have To Do To Succeed?
Take action. Follow the SYSTEM and introduce people to the USANA products and business. It is very simple.

Can I Really Do It?
All you need to be successful is basic people skills, and a deep desire to improve your life. We have a simple system for success that you can duplicate. Could you direct people to the same information you are reviewing right now, and then let the system and your business partners answer any detailed questions your prospects have? Of course you could!

Is There Solid Support And Training?
Totally. You’ll be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. You get a comprehensive Business Development System, plus personalized training, coaching and mentoring. You see, we succeed by helping you succeed. This is the ultimate win-win business. There are a variety of proven business building tools in numerous languages. You do not need to “re-invent the wheel”. Simply plug into our system for success!

Will I Get Rich Quickly?
No... and yes. Hopefully you are wise enough to know that there is no such thing as a get rich overnight program. If that is what you are looking for, try the lottery.
Like any legitimate business, this does take time and effort. You can start earning very nice weekly paychecks quickly, but creating a large, walk away residual income and true freedom takes time. Some have done it faster, but for most it takes 2 - 4 years. So compared to working at a JOB for 20 or 30 years (and still probably ending up broke), it IS get rich quick!

Can I Start Part-Time?
Absolutely. In fact, most people do start part-time, and many then go full time once the profits are large enough. Many have become successful with a focused effort of just 5-7 hours per week.

Is It A Business Where I Can Expand My Skills, Learn, And Grow?
That is what this business is all about. It is the best leadership development and personal growth business you can find.

Are There Powerful Tax Advantages?
There are tremendous potential tax advantages with a home based USANA business. Tax experts say that the average person can legitimately save $3,000 - $9,000 per year or more in taxes with a business like this!

Is It Fun?
That is one of the best things about this business. You get to meet and work with success-minded, ambitious, fun loving people. And as you may know, you tend to become like the people you associate with! There are also many tax deductible travel opportunities... we have exciting conferences, conventions, training events, cruises, and more.

How Do I Get Started?
You activate your business by simply purchasing some of the excellent USANA products for yourself to use and become familiar with. There are several options for joining our team, starting at just a couple hundred dollars. And everything has an unconditional money-back guarantee.

Can Someone Simply Buy The Products, Without Joining The Business?
Yes. If someone already has plenty of money and is happy with their lifestyle, but is interested in being healthier, you can enroll them as a Preferred Customer. There is no cost to become a Preferred Customer, no minimum order, and they can get the products at below wholesale price directly from the company. Of course there is always a 100% money back guarantee for customers also.

In fact, if the timing is not right for you to start a USANA business, YOU should become a Preferred Customer. The timing is always right for good health, and these products can dramatically improve your health - as they have for hundreds of thousands around the world!

What If I Am Perfectly Happy With My Life As It Is?
If you are not concerned about being healthy, and have no desire for more money AND lots of free time for your family, friends, and hobbies, then this is not for you. Thanks anyway and have a great day...

OK, You've Got My Interest. Now What?
If you are SERIOUS about creating residual income and having a future of true health and freedom for yourself, complete the following brief interview and someone will contact you to help you answer any questions you may have. You have no obligation to anything to have someone call you, but it could change you life.

If we did not answer your question, please contact us.

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