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Friday, January 2, 2009

Take control of your finances

Now that a new year is here, its time that we take control of our own finances. Many people are enjoying residual income from the efforts of others. You too can start making money while you sleep!

We teach people like yourselves to secure a future non dependent of our economy, our government or our jobs. When you work and trade hours for dollars, there are not enough hours in the day to make a significant amount of income. This is the way that most people get paid. Rich people know that, if they were going to get paid by the amount of hours they work, they would not be rich. They use the principles of time leverage income and residual income to earn money from multiple sources.

Contact us, so that you can learn how to make your money grow by the efforts of others. Karolynas is an independent USANA distributor that really understand the importance of team effort in obtaining success for everyone in the Team. Take control of your finances now!

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