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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Three Reasons Why Diets Fail

It’s little wonder that we ask ourselves,
“Why can’t I lose weight? What am I doing
wrong?” But it’s not we who fall short; it’s
our diets.

Problem #1
A Quick Fix. Dieters often drastically restrict
their calories or food choices now but return to
their old habits once they reach their goal.
Solution: Permanent lifestyle changes are
needed to achieve sustained weight loss.

Problem #2
Fad Diets = Unbalanced Nutrition. Too
often, diets focus on specific types of foods
or nutrients and disregard the importance
of everything else, leading to unbalanced
Solution: For optimal nutrition, our bodies need
a balanced variety of nutrients, including the
right types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Problem #3
The High-Glycemic Trap. Eating high-glycemic
foods can sabotage even the best of diet plans
because the resulting spike and subsequent drop
in blood sugar leads to a more rapid return to
feelings of hunger.
Solution: A better approach focuses on
low-glycemic carbohydrates, which help to
moderate blood glucose levels, leaving you
feeling full and satisfied longer.

If you have been struggling with your weight, its time to take control now. USANA offers a program to start you off right. The Reset program was created for people like you and me who are sick and tired of been sick and tired of diets. USANA can help you take control of your weight.

If you want to look at the whole line of products from USANA, click here. If you are interested in becoming an associate, click here.

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