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Monday, January 19, 2009

Half of January is over, have you accomplished any of your resolutions yet?

As I take the day off to spend time with our girls, I find myself reflecting on the goals I set out to do this year. I have started doing most of my new years resolutions, and I am finding it hard to follow some resolutions. Thank God that I am not that easily distracted or loose focus, but this may not be the case for everyone(especially if you are not built to be self motivated).

For example, I have decided that I am going to write a book this year to help married couples understand the complexity of being married and still identifying themselves and their needs. But as I write this blog, I have become aware that, I don't even have a title for my book! It's probably a good idea that I start thinking about that...

Many people go through life doing the same thing, making resolutions and then failing to follow through with them. What are we to do? I propose that we start with the smallest of your resolutions and work your way up the list. This way you'll have a sense of accomplishment which in turn, allows you to develop a positive attitude and helps increase your motivation.

I have used this principle described in this blog with our USANA business, and it has worked. By accomplishing small goals, we have been able to move to bigger ones. USANA has allowed my wife and I to really focus on what is important, to help others live healthier better lives.

Our newest website teaches people to develop financial freedom by ways of Residual Income. We implemented this goal last year, and it has become a reality. You can learn these principles that have allowed the wealthy to live lives FREE from FINANCIAL BURDENS, and enjoy FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

As you read this blog, its no coincidence that perhaps you have not accomplished your resolutions yet. Do not get discouraged, because if you do, then you will not even attempt to start on your goals; however, if you start today, you will be one step closer to your goal by next month. Before you know it, you'll accomplish what you've set out to do this year.

To prove my point, I have decided that the book is going to be titled “And You Shall Leave Your Mom And Dad! See, from the time that I started writing this blog, about 2 hours ago, until now, I went from not having a title to making a national proclamation about the title of my book. I hope that this blog encourages you to implement and accomplish all of your goals this year.

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