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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Leadership principles that can grow your business

As I was reflecting on the blessings that God had placed in my life, I remember that as a leader, I have great responsibilities. One of them is to teach others about what I have learned.

This blog is based on the biblical principles of leadership as denoted in Acts 6:1-7 in the book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth, BIBLE.

To be a leader, you will have:

F: FACTION- Always you will have problems or Issues with the people you lead.

A: ACTION- Find the solution or the application to the problems.

T: TRACTION- Get back in tract and empower others to do the job.

As my wife and I get ready for the arival of our miracle baby, we have realized that our USANA business will grow as big and as fast as God wants it to grow. We can plan it but if its not God's will, it won't happend.

We believe in the USANA products, and that is why we want to share them with as many people as we can; however, to be partners with us, we must find people with the same common goal, and with the same principles and ideas that will bless our team immensively.

So, this would be the begining of our new approach to our bussiness, always keeping God first, family second, and business next. May God bless you, and may God bless the USANA family.

Humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life. Proverbs 22:4

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