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Monday, December 29, 2008

Wisdom, how can we get it?

According to the bible, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That means that (as humans) we should have a reverential honor and respect for Him. When we realize that the Creator of the universe is in control, we then become aware of an absolute, God is, was and will always be. To the wise, only few words are required...

In lay terms, we are wise when we set everything else in life aside in order to seek Him. We are wise when we worship Him and give Him everything that we are. We are wise when we take time to honor Him. Just like Joshua, when we study the bible, meditate on it and ensure that we do what it says, we then will prosper and succeed in everything we do.

Remember, God rewards the people who diligently seek after Him. As you continue to put Him first in all you do, you’ll increase in wisdom and discernment, and you’ll move forward into the life of blessing He has in store for you.

King Solomon could have had everything in the world as God asked him to ask for whatever he wanted, but he chose wisdom. Consequently, God gave him wisdom and everything else, time, health and money. You too can have it, if you seek Him first.

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