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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Moving Forward After a Job Loss

Recently, a top staffing agency published this alarming information on a website. Imagine that, you've been with your company for a few years enjoying what you are doing. Then one day, you get called into your boss's office and you are told the company is making some changes -- you've been let go. What do you do next? If you don't have residual income, you panic, right?

The agency further stated that, "if you've lost a job, the future can feel uncertain, especially in today's economic climate. But with a plan in place and the right attitude, you can increase your chances of finding a new position quickly." The agency even gives some tips on how to deal with the situation. One of them, is called using your network.

But, what if you don't have a network, what do you do next? If you are reading, you are in for a treat. Before I was introduced to what I am about to share with you, I was perhaps afraid too. You see, the only problem with the mentality of having a job, is that the same situation can happen again. You can be let go again!!!

Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says:" view of current shaky economic times, NOW is the PERFECT time to be in network marketing!" He further state that the truth is, the top of the network marketing system is open to everyone-unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach the top of the company. The reason most people do not reach the top is simply because they quit too soon.

We are not here to promise you "get rich quick" type of hype, we are here to introduce you to rescission proof income that, if you work part time at it, in less time that you think, it will make you more income than what you are making now, that is if you have a job!

Before you read any further, have you ever wonder why most network marketing companies fail within their first five years? The reason is simple, they don't offer a product that the consumer will consume for a long time. By now, you have figured out that we are going to introduce you to a network marketing company. Not any company, but the best.

This company has been given the honor of been the best network marketing company by the watchdog of the industry for 10 years in a row. The company has been in business for 15, but it takes 5 years for the watchdog to include you on their magazine. This company has been given the recognition of having the best compensation plan in the industry. This company has more common people become millionaires than any other company in the world. I can go on and on, but I bet that you want to know which company I am talking about.

The company is called USANA. Let's see what some of the top income earners have to say about the company. Matt Ryan, Brian Boehlke are earning top dollars. They have successfully created rescission proof income that, no matter if the economy is bad, they won't feel it. By the way, they both have fired their boss and are living a dream of been jobless, not broke.

If you are ready to take control of your life, then this company is for you. Join our team, for an opportunity of a life time. If you are ready to be financially free, this company is for you. Join our team, for a chance to have recission proof income. Enroll with USANA, or purchase products for a better life for you!

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