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Thursday, December 25, 2008

May you have many Christmas together with your family!

As my wife and I play Santa at 4:30AM, we realize that in about 5 years, our oldest child will leave us for college, our middle child will be a teenager almost out of high school, and our little one will be a big sister to our newest baby been developed now. In the mist of wrapping gifts, I remember how beautiful it is that all of our children worship God and have accepted Jesus as their savior.

Our children are blessed in the sense that they know that the reason for this season is to celebrate Christ's birth. Although giving gifts to our children is going to be a highlight of the day, knowing that they will spend eternity with God and ourselves is even more rewarding. Before they get to open their gifts, we will have time to praise and worship God and time to thank Him for all the blessings that He has giving us during the year.

One of such blessing has been joining the USANA family. Ever since our family has been taking USANA products, we had decided to share this wonderful blessing with as many people as we can. Our lives have changed since taking USANA products, and we are convinced that each person that uses USANA products are on the way to improve their lives. Because all of our family members take USANA, we can ensure many more Christmas ahead of us.

As you celebrate today with your family and open gifts, please remember that in order for families to continue to celebrate together, they need to ensure that their health is top priority. We encourage you to take a look at USANA to see what a difference it can make in your life.

May God bless you this Christmas, and may you share many more Christmas with your family in health. If you want to know more about USANA, please contact us.

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