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Sunday, November 23, 2008

True Health, what does this mean to you?

Living with a healthy body that is free from “dis-ease” is certainly the first thing that comes to mind, but when you really think about what True Health means, you quickly realize that so many other things come to mind besides our physical well-being.

Emotional Health - How many people do you know who would have less stress in their lives if their finances were more secure?

Stress is the #1 root-cause of health-related problems (or disease) in America today!
Too many people are barely living paycheck to paycheck. They go to bed at night and stare at the ceiling, unable to sleep, wrought with worry and fear as their bills pile up. Most of us would have better emotional health if finances were not an everyday struggle.

Spiritual Health – What if you could devote the time that you would like to attend to your spiritual needs?

Would your spiritual health be better if you had more time to devote to your church, synagogue, mosque or temple? Maybe your spirit would be more nourished if you had more time to devote to your children? What would your life be like if you could take a year off and go to grow spiritually and study scriptures?

Physical Health - Right now, we are living too short and dying too long.

This process starts at an increasingly younger age as childhood obesity is at epidemic levels! Degenerative diseases like Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Alzheimer's and Obesity claim the lives of far too many people...The numbers are only getting worse.“Disease” is the label that’s given to the conditions that I mentioned above.

Nobody dies suddenly from these diseases…it’s a process that starts in our bodies…with one cell that changes the course of everything.Be honest, how many people do you know who are truly living a life of optimum health?

What if there were:

A way for you to create a stream of lifetime income?
A way to dramatically improve your health?
A way for you to have the time to devote to self, family, spirit?
A way to take the stress of finances away forever?
A way to drastically reduce your chances of becoming a disease statistic?

True Health means

Having optimal physical health, financial independence and the time to enjoy both!

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