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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sensé Skin-Care Line

Cosmetics and skin-care products contain ingredients that may be toxic - sad, but true. They are not purposely trying to cause harm; they are simply following conventional practices for preventing product deterioration. For example, virtually all manufacturers use artificial preservatives, such as formaldehyde and parabens, to prevent contamination and to keep their products from spoiling. I say "virtually all manufacturers" because there is one, but only one, company that provides "self preserving" skin care and hair care products - products that are formulated without added preservatives. That company is USANA and the product line is Sensé.

USANA has developed a new, exclusive, patent-pending approach to formulation that makes Sensé products self-preserving. By "self-preserving", I mean the products contain a unique combination of nourishing and protective ingredients in very precise amounts and ratios, that, when combined with exacting manufacturing, packaging, and quality-control practices, presents a series of hurdles and barriers to any microbial growth in the products that might lead to spoiling. The result is that no preservatives need to be added to keep the Sensé products fresh and effective.

With Sensé you can be sure that you are providing your skin and hair with the ultimate in nutrition and protection. And you can be sure that you are not exposing your skin to preservative chemicals. Healthy skin reflects a state of true health throughout the body. Give yourself the gift of healthy skin with the Sensé beauty regimen, combining inner and outer nutrition.

Please visit our website or if you are interested in using, trying, testing, distributing, purchasing, Sensé skin products.

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